CNC Services Northwest

Centroid CNC control sales, service, training and support

Backing up program files

The F7/Utility screen has provision for backing up your Intercon and G code programs. The exact sequence for specifying where you want the backup stored, and the form of the resulting files, have varied.

Windows CNC11 and CNC12 versions 3.04 - 4.20

In these versions there is a single "Backup Files" selection which backs up both CNC and Intercon programs, with no provisions for selecting which programs you do and do not want to back up.

You select the destination drive and directory from a file list.

  1. Plug in a USB drive or establish a network connection
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press F3 for Backup Files
  4. Arrow down to "D: USB Device", a network folder, etc., to choose where you want the backed-up files to be stored.
  5. Press F10 to accept that location

All program files will be stored in a compressed archive named "".

Linux versions 2.32 - 2.73

In these versions, you select the destination drive and directory from a file list.

  1. Insert a blank floppy disk or plug in a USB drive
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press F3 for Backup
  4. Press F2 for CNC (G code programs)
    or F3 for ICN (Intercon programs)
  5. Arrow down to "A: Floppy", "A: USB Device", "B: USB Device" etc., to choose where you want the backed-up files to be stored.
  6. Press Enter to select the desired destination and display it at the top of the screen
  7. Press F10 to accept that location
  8. You will then see a list of all your G code or Intercon program files. Select which files you want to back up by marking (or unmarking) names in the list. You can use the following keys to do so:
  9. Press F10 to Accept the marked names and make the backup.

The files you selected will be stored in a compressed archive named either "" for a CNC backup, "" for a Mill Intercon backup, or "" for a Lathe Intercon backup.

NOTE: The CNC Backup feature is limited in versions 2.60 - 2.72. The file selection list will only show files with a ".cnc" extension, even though there may be legitimate CNC programs in the folder with other exensions (such as ".nc", ".txt", ".tap", etc.). Versions 2.32 through 2.38 did not have this restriction. To make backup copies of program files with extensions other than ".cnc" in versions 2.60-2.72, use the Utility -> File Ops -> Export function instead.

Linux version 2.30

In this version, the Utility/Backup feature is broken. Ask your dealer for a free software update to v2.32 or v2.38, or use the Utility -> File Ops -> Export feature instead.

Linux versions 1.25 - 1.51

In these versions, you could select the destination drive from a drop-down list, and optionally type a subdirectory.
  1. Insert a blank floppy disk or plug in a USB drive
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press F3 for Backup
  4. Press F2 for CNC (G code programs)
    or F3 for ICN (Intercon programs)
  5. Arrow down to "A: Floppy", "A: USB Device", "B: USB Device" etc., to choose where you want the backed-up files to be stored.
  6. Press Enter to place the selected drive at the top of the list
  7. Press Enter again to accept that drive as the destination for the backed-up files
  8. You will then see a list of all your G code or Intercon program files. Select which files you want to back up by marking (or unmarking) names in the list. You can use the following keys to do so:
  9. Press F10 to Accept the marked names and make the backup.

The files you selected will be stored in a compressed archive named either "" for a CNC backup, "" for a Mill Intercon backup, or "" for a Lathe Intercon backup.

Linux versions 1.00 - 1.21

In these versions, the Report files automatically went to the A: drive. This was usually a floppy disk drive.
  1. Insert a blank floppy disk
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press F3 for Backup
  4. Press F2 for CNC (G code programs)
    or F3 for ICN (Intercon programs)
  5. You will see a list of all your G code or Intercon program files. Select which files you want to back up by marking (or unmarking) names in the list. You can use the following keys to do so:
  6. Press F10 to Accept the marked names and make the backup.

The files you selected will be stored in a compressed archive named either "" for a CNC backup, "" for a Mill Intercon backup, or "" for a Lathe Intercon backup.

DOS versions 5.20 - 8.23

In these versions, the Report files automatically went to the A: drive. This was always a floppy disk drive.
  1. Insert a blank floppy disk
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press F3 for Backup
  4. Press F2 for CNC (G code programs)
    or F3 for ICN (Intercon programs)
  5. You will see a list of all your G code or Intercon program files. Select which files you want to back up by marking (or unmarking) names in the list. You can use the following keys to do so:
  6. Press F10 to Accept the marked names and make the backup.

The files you selected will be stored in a compressed archive named either "CNC_ARC.CFP" for a CNC backup or "ICN_ARC.CFP" for an Intercon backup. To unpack these archives offline you need the FUNPACK.EXE utility from Centroid.

DOS versions 4.00 - 5.19

If you have a DOS version prior to 5.20, use the DOS command prompt:
  1. Insert a blank floppy disk
  2. Press F7 for the Utility menu
  3. Press Alt-F10 to exit to a DOS command prompt
  4. Use the DOS COPY command to copy the desired files to the disk. For example:
  5. To restart the control software, enter the command:

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Copyright © 2021 Marc Leonard
Last updated 06-Sep-2021 MBL