Hardinge CHNC4 T39 Retrofit

This is a Hardinge CHNC4 lathe from mid-1980s, retrofitted with Centroid T39 control by Advanced Machinery Resources in the summer of 2002. I contracted to do the control design, PLC programming, and much of the cabinet wiring.

Accessories include:

The keyboard and 15" LCD display are on a convenient articulated support arm near the headstock.

All control electronics are installed in the original electrical cabinet on the back of the machine.

Control cabinet: PC is on upper left; Koyo PLC below; Centroid DC servo drive to right; Omron 10HP inverter on bottom left.

Electrical cabinet detail.

With a new generation of hardware and PLC software from Centroid, we have been able to move away from the Koyo PLC unit to a simpler installation using Centroid's combined PLC and DC servo drive.

CHNC4 retrofit with newer cabinet layout

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Copyright © 2008 Marc Leonard
Last updated 09-Mar-2008 MBL